Server Configuration

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//Main Dedicated Server Configuration File - server.cfg

ip								"localhost"			//The IP you are hosting the server on.
port							"27015"				//The Port you are hosting the server on.
rcon_password					""					//Rcon Password that you want to use. Leave empty to disable.

net_compresspackets				"1"					//Should the Game Compress Packets?
net_compresspacket_minsize		"64"				//At what size should we start compressing them? (note: Too low value can cause bigger Packets)
net_compressvoice				"1"					//Compress Voice? (note: Sadly, this is 360 only. Would be useful on Unix/Linux Servers)
net_maxcleartime				"4"					//How many seconds can Source wait for the next Packets to be sent? (note: Higher values can increase Ping)
net_maxfilesize					"2"					//Until what size should Spray Images be uploaded? (note: sv_allowupload 0 disables uploads)
net_maxfragments				"1260"				//Haven't found a use for this yet.
net_maxroutable					"1260"				//See above.
net_queued_packet_thread		"1"					//Leave this at 1 or it will Lag horribly when theres more than 3 players.
net_splitpacket_maxrate			"32767"				//Maximum Bytes/Second until splitting packets.
net_splitrate					"1024"				//How many fragments of the Packet should be created?

//Multiplayer Settings
mp_allowcrosshair				"1"					//Allow Crosshair.
mp_allowironsights				"1"					//Allow Ironsights.
mp_allowspectators				"1"					//Allow Spectators.
mp_allowsprint					"1"					//Allow Sprinting.
mp_autocrosshair				"1"					//Automatically update Crosshair.
//mp_bunnyhop					"2"					//"Bunnyhop mode. 0 = off, 1 = ep2 style (max speed enforced), 2 = unlimited hop speed."
mp_chattime						"1"					//Amount of time your Players are allowed to Chat after Game Over is triggered.
mp_fadetoblack					"0"					//Fade Players view to black on death.
//mp_falldamage					"1"					//0 = 10 Damage, 1 = Realistic, 2 = Disable
mp_flashlight					"1"					//Allow Flashlight
mp_footsteps					"1"					//Leave Footsteps and sounds.
mp_forcecamera					"2"					//Haven't found a use for this yet. Same Settings as in CS:S?
//mp_forcerespawn				"0"					//Force players to spawn?
mp_friendlyfire					"0"					//Friendly Fire?
mp_mapvotepercentage			"51"				//Percentage needed for mapvote to succeed
//mp_playercollide				"1"					//Do Players collide with each other?
mp_respawnwavetime				"10"				//Time between respawns.
mp_teams_unbalance_limit		"1"					//Maximum Playercount a team can have over another.
//mp_timelimit					"45"				//Map Timelimit
mp_waitingforplayers_time		"0"					//Time to wait for players on a new map
mp_weaponstay					"0"					//Keep weapons alive even when picked up? (note: This prevents gaining ammo from weapons for some reason.)

//Server Settings
sv_allow_color_correction		"1"					//Allow or disallow clients to use color correction on this server.
sv_allow_voice_from_file		"0"					//Allow or disallow clients from using voice_inputfromfile on this server.
sv_allow_wait_command			"0"					//Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_allowdownload				"1"					//Allow clients to download using the Server if FastDL file isnt present?
sv_allowgaussjump				"1"					//Allow gauss jump
sv_allownegativescore			"1"					//Allow a players score to drop below zero?
sv_allowocmapvote				"0"					//Allow Obsidian Conflict Map Vote?
sv_allowupload					"1"					//Allow clients to upload Sprays and other things?
sv_alltalk						"0"					//Players can hear everyone, no matter what team?
sv_autojump						"0"					//Automatically jump?
sv_autoladderdismount			"1"					//Automatically dismount from ladders when you reach the end (don't have to +USE)?
sv_autosave						"1"					//Autosave Gamestate to temporary file? (note: doesn't seem to have effect on gameplay)
sv_cacheencodedents				"1"					//Optimize encode Table?
sv_changeleveldelay				"1"					//Seconds until a trigger_changelevel can be used.
sv_cheats						"0"					//Allow cheats?
sv_client_cmdrate_difference	"1"					//cl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_mincmdrate an
sv_client_max_interp_ratio		"5"					//This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected).
sv_client_min_interp_ratio		"1"					//This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected).

Continuing this very soon. ---Michael Dirks- 17:51, 13 November 2010 (UTC)