Oc paysan
Earning money Money can be earned through:
- Disposing of trash in the blue container or portable garbage can
- Picking and selling pumpkins.
- Growing and selling fruit
- Selling wood boards from choped down trees.
- Completing the dungeon
- Fishing
- Hunting for headcrabs in the forrest
- Mining gold
- Delivering pizzas
- Producing alcohol
- Playing basketball at the jail
Where do I buy things?
Most things can be bought at the town. The pawnshop also houses a gun dealer. Animals can be bought near the prison. A hotel can be found across the street from the prison to the right, and the dungeon is to the left.
Where do I sell things?
- Behind the mill there is a buyer of various items.
- Food can be sold at the truck that ocasionaly appears near the house.
- Fish are sold at the cabin near the lake.
Why am I loosing health?
You need food to heal you. Buy pizza and open it to eat. Put cooked food on the wooden table in the kitchen and stay around to eat.
What is wood for?
We must cut the forest and then transform it into boards at the sawmill next to the house. These boards are used for the construction of various structures like the stairs of the mine, the doghouse, the seed extractor, shelters etc.
Why do I see big red ERROR signs?
You should download the models at : http://steevmau.free.fr/oc/PACK_B02.rar
Can I make the kitchen? How?
It is sold at the store. Use the oven to purchase the kitchen itself and the cooking pans to cook more types of food.
Why am I in a prison, and how do I get out?
Being outside the hotel, shelter, dungeon or house at night will take you to the jail To break it must pay a bail of 40 points. But your friends can break you out throught the exposed concrete wall in the courtyard with explosives.
How do I fish or hunt?
- For fishing you must buy a fishing rod and bait available near the lake.
- For hunting you have to buy bait and and place it at certain points in the forest to catch headcrabs.
Build stairs with planks then break the rock walls. When you see gold, hit with your crowbar. You can also dig with explosives.
I know it will be dark, can I protect myself?
If the screen gets darker, it's getting late. Take shelter in the house, built shelters or pay the hotel in town.
Where do I stock my production?
- In the pantry which is located near the field. It preserves all fruit, wheat and flour but not food.
- Refrigerators hold food.
- The bottom of the pizzeria.
- The wooden boxes.
- Wood planks and tree trunks can be stored in the large box adjecent to the sawmill.
What is the dungeon?
The dungeon is a place to kill zombies and a tough alien grunt to retrieve a reward. You can insert objects to defend yourself through the teleporter, but do not enter! You will not go to jail in dungeon.
How do I take an object, or steal it?
Using the gravity gun or pressing "e" (+USE).
I have lost something, how do I find it?
Two combine button marked "locator" helps you find important objects. The first lies on a beam of the house's balcony. The second is located at the entrance of the hotel.