Obsidian SDK Setup/zh-hans

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黑曜石战争简体中文站: [[::Obsidian SDK Setup|English]]  • [[::Obsidian SDK Setup/es|español]] • [[::Obsidian SDK Setup/zh-hans|中文(简体)‎]]



C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps

提示: 请注意替换下面代码里的路径为你的STEAM路径.

提示2: "[用户名]"是一个可以替换的文本,请把"[用户名]"替换成您的登录账号.

  • 然后打开你的SourceSDK文件夹下的Source2007的Bin文件夹下:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\
  • 打开GameConfig.txt并且做如下修改. (请确定本文本文档不是为只读属性)
  • 打开这个文本文件: (在最后两个中括号前加入)
"Obsidian Conflict"
	"GameDir"				"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\obsidian"

		"GameData0"			"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\obsidian\obsidian sdk\obsidian.fgd"
		"BSPDir"			"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\obsidian\maps"
		"MapDir"			"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\sourcesdk_content\obsidian\mapsrc"
		"GameExeDir"			"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\source sdk base 2007"
		"GameExe"			"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\source sdk base 2007\hl2.exe"
		"BSP"				"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vbsp.exe"
		"Vis"				"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vvis.exe"
		"Light"				"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[USERNAME]\sourcesdk\bin\source2007\bin\vrad.exe"
		"TextureFormat"			"5"
		"MapFormat"			"4"
		"DefaultTextureScale"		"0.250000"
		"DefaultLightmapScale"		"16"
		"DefaultSolidEntity"		"func_detail"
		"DefaultPointEntity"		"ai_ally_manager"
		"CordonTexture"			"tools\toolsskybox"
		"MaterialExcludeCount"		"0"

经过修改后应该看起来像这样。同时别忘了修改STEAM路径,作为您的STEAM路径: Source-sdk config.jpg

重要提示: 绝对不要增加任何的FGD,黑曜石战争它有自己的一套FGD. (这里不是指原有的FGD,而是添加的FGD这里)

注意: 同时,如果您不想系统自动覆盖您的配置文件,可以设置文本的属性为只读。 注意: 请确定您已经将[用户名]替换成了您的登录账户


原作者为 作者为Blues. 源地址可以在这里找到: http://obsidianconflict.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3424

复制并粘贴你的黑曜石战争的材质、模型、声音文件到Obsidian SDK目录下,然后把黑曜石战争目录下的gameinfo.txt文件也放到这里:


   game   "Obsidian Conflict v1.34" 
   title   "OBSIDIAN CONFLICT V1.34" 
   title2   "OBSIDIAN CONFLICT V1.34" 
   type multiplayer_only 
   nomodels 0 
   nohimodel 1 
   nocrosshair 1 
      "test_speakers"      1 
      "test_hardware"      1 

   developer "Obsidian Conflict Team" 
   developer_url "http://www.ObsidianConflict.com" 
   icon "resource/obsidian" 

      SteamAppId            420      // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2). 
      ToolsAppId            211      // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc. 
      // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here: 
      // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin 
      // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end. 
      //    For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it. 
      // 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD". 
      // 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH". 

      // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found. 
      // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is. 
      // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so 
      // people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in 
      // someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\half-life 2. 
         Game            |gameinfo_path|. 
         Game            ep2 
         Game            episodic 
         Game            lostcoast 
         Game            |all_source_engine_paths|hl2 

然后你得去 ...sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin目录下, 打开gameconfig.txt然后添加如下内容:


     "Obsidian Conflict 1.34 : EP2 Content" 
         "GameDir"      "d:\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\Obsidian\Obsidian SDK" 
            "GameData0"      "d:\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\Obsidian\Obsidian SDK\Obsidian.fgd" 
            "TextureFormat"      "5" 
            "MapFormat"      "4" 
            "DefaultTextureScale"      "0.250000" 
            "DefaultLightmapScale"      "16" 
            "GameExe"      "d:\steam\steamapps\*account name goes here*\source sdk base 2007\hl2.exe" 
            "DefaultSolidEntity"      "func_detail" 
            "DefaultPointEntity"      "ai_ally_manager" 
            "BSP"      "d:\steam\steamapps\*account name goes here*\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vbsp.exe" 
            "Vis"      "d:\steam\steamapps\*account name goes here*\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vvis.exe" 
            "Light"      "d:\steam\steamapps\*account name goes here*\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vrad.exe" 
            "GameExeDir"      "d:\steam\steamapps\*account name goes here*\source sdk base 2007" 
            "MapDir"      "d:\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\sourcesdk_content\obsidian\mapsrc" 
            "BSPDir"      "d:\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\obsidian\maps" 
            "CordonTexture"      "tools\toolsskybox" 
            "MaterialExcludeCount"      "0" 



Obsidian SDK Installer